Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Conversation

So, I work with this uber-sweet girl. She's smart, talented, funny, beautiful....
This is the conversation we have today, wherein she is telling me how different her parents are - like, polar opposites (and no longer together).

Her: My mom is this, straight-laced, professional, accountant.

Me: What does your dad do?

Her: (covering the side of her face to shield her answer from prying eyes) He was a pimp.

Me: (the sound of uncontrollable laughter, as I have hit the floor and am trying not to pee my pants)

Are you serious?

Her: Yeah, think of like, the stereotypical pimp and that's my dad.

Me: Um..purple hat, cadillac?

Her: (nodding her head) yep....and a big, huge black man.

Oh my goodness. I love it.