Hi friends ...
No, I am not really back into the blogging swing but I am procrastinating finishing a paper and I was online, so my procrastination has turned into this post.
I saw the above graphic while I was clicking through my favorite blogs this afternoon and it struck me. I don't know where I'd heard or seen it before, but well over a year ago when I was in the midst of a particularly nasty job, I scribbled those words down on a post-it note and kept it on my computer. It was a reminder to myself that I wouldn't be a "failure" if I left the situation. And in fact, once I started to see that I was not needed, it would be best to leave.
And guess what? I did.
{that was thing #1, by the way}
Thing Number 2 is that I am no longer stressed out about being old. No reason to fear the inevitable. I'm focused on accepting it gracefully.
I have made a few resolutions for myself to follow over the next 10 years.
Here are some of them {in no particular order of importance}:
1. Grow out my hair for 10 years. I want mermaid hair! Do you know what that is? The teenagers talk about it. I had to ask one of them what in the heck they meant. It sounds quite lovely, actually. Ask your teenager to define.
2. Pare down my wardrobe to only the best and most desirable essentials. So far, this includes copious amounts of denim, short dresses to wear over the denim, wedge heels, western boots, lots of jewelry, and one tough-chick motorcycle jacket. Still on the hunt for the perfect handbag.
3. Drink lots of water.
4. Exercise only because it makes me happy. Not because I live in fear of my thighs.
5. Have fun.
Ciao for now! Or the next several weeks ... until it strikes my fancy to drop in here again.
P.S. Guess what? You know that picture of Audrey in my template? {over there, to the right} My 3 year-old nephew literally thinks that is me. He looks at it and says, "Aunt Sis!" Guess that tells you how often he actually sees me. I am a bad Aunt.